Fitshr is a completely free service to monetize your website links in a simple, fast and efficient. Once your links converted to links Fitshr they display a page advertising before returning to the real destination. In return for this you will receive a remuneration Whenever this advertising page is view.
There is no limit! You can shorten and monetize as many links as you want. However if you shorten a considerable number of links without use your account may be suspended for abusive behavior. So try not to shorten the links that you are safe to use. We provide statistics in real-time to follow for you at any time traffic and revenue generated by your links. To limit the abuse, we remunerate a limited number of clicks (ranging from 3 to 5) per person (IP address) per day. Manage your Internet links and access to all the information of your account Fitshr directly from your application using our API.
Our referral program remunerates you a commission equal to 20 % advertising revenue generated by your referrals without any time limit . Remember that this commission will obviously not be deducted from the income from your referrals.

Company Name: Fitshr
Country: France
 Minimum Payment: €2
 Payment Frequency: Daily, WeeklyMonthlyQuarterly