PwrAds allows Publishers to display pop under ads, with content from our high-quality network of advertisers. We promise to offer our unconditional support and build a reliable relationship with all our publishers. Our managers carefully analyze all traffic sources, making sure everything is genuine and that no false impressions are being served. Our purpose is to build a healthy database of happy publishers, offering decent rates and on-time payments.
We accept genuine content and professional websites from all verticals, including adult. It is very important to have a well written content and a user friendly design.
Upon reaching the 5$ limit, all publishers who want to receive payments, shall send a payment request via PayPal to, containing the PwrAds account name and website url. Payments will be made within 24 hours.

 Company Name: PwrAds
 Country: Belize
 Payment Method : Paypal
Commission Type: POP
 Minimum Payment: $5
 Payment Frequency: Daily